Know Knob flowers,Dewa flowers,Jarak bali and Jati Belanda

The knob planted flowers in the yard and planted as an ornamental plant or grow wild in the fields that gets enough sunlight. Plants originating from tropical America can be found at an altitude of 1-1300 m above sea level. It was sweet, neutral in nature. Flower knob efficacious as cough, shortness of breath medication, laxative sputum and eye inflammation drug. Chemical content is Gomphrenin I, Gomphrenin II, III Gomphrenin, Gomphrenin V, VI and amarathin Gomphrenin. The content of essential oils, flavonoids or saponins have properties as a laxative sputum. The part used is the interest or whole fresh herbs or dried herbs. Indications: o Flowers o efficacious for the treatment of whooping cough (pertusus), o Pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by coughing up blood, shortness of breath o (Bronchial Asthma), o Inflammation acute and chronic respiratory tract, eye inflammation o, o Headaches, o Heat and seizures in children due to liver disorders, nightmares in children, dysentery o, and o not smooth urination

Leaves of a shrub belonging to the god of fertile at an altitude of 0-1000 feet above sea level . These plants can reach the height of 50 cm . Single short -stemmed leaves are round shaped eggs pointy toes . Both leaf surfaces with white hair . Color of the upper surface of the leaves in dark green , while light green underneath . The flowers are located at the end of the rod , hump -shaped yellow . Pharmacological effects of leaf god is an anticoagulant ( coagulant = substances that facilitate and accelerate blood clotting ) , anti-coagulant , stimulate circulation , stop bleeding , remove heat , and cleanse toxins . God leaves contain saponin substances , essential oils , flavonoids , and tannins . Pharmacological effects obtained from the whole plant . god leaves can also cope with seizures in children and some types of bleeding . To overcome the injuries hit , did not come menstruation , bleeding in women , breast swelling , coughing , and vomiting blood all over god pounded leaves of plants , or boiled , and water to drink . When the children had seizures give drinking water from a leaf stem gods . The leaves can be used to overcome warts and tumors . For warts puree the leaves and placed on the affected part and leave it until the next day . To overcome the tumor , please eat as a salad leaf gods . To make herb cancer of 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods , 20 grams of ginger and white , handsome 30 grams boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc , then filtered and water was drunk

Jarak Bali Local Name: Distance elephant trunk. Curable Disease: Fever, swelling beaten, bitten usual. Utilization: PART USED: Whole plant USE: - Fever - Swelling hit hard - bitten by a venomous snake USAGE: To drink: 10-15 g boiled. The waste is used to paste on the sore spot. Composition: CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Sweet, bitter, cold. Relieve pain (analgesic), eliminating swelling, eliminate toxins and cleanse the heat.

TEAK NETHERLANDS (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) Synonyms: Latin Name: G. tomentosa Kunth.Sun Local Name: Teak or teak sabrang londo CLASSIFICATION: Nation: Malvales Ethnicity: Sterculiaceae Highways: Guazuma Type: Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk. USE In HerbalDiare Alternative medicine, abdominal pain, cholera, Penyembelit, Slimming the body, Adstringens, cough, stomach bloating, stomach sesek Sense.

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