BADAK JAWA (Rhinoceros sondaicus) BANTENJavan rhino or a small - horned Rhinoceros ( Rhinoceros sondaicus ) is Rhinocerotidae family members and one of five extant rhinoceroses . The Rhinos went into the same genus with the Indian rhinoceros and have skin that resemble armor bermosaik . The rhino has a length of 3.1 to 3.2 m and height of 1.4 to 1.7 m . The rhino is smaller than the Indian rhinoceros and closer to the body with a large black rhino . Horn size is usually less than 20 cm , smaller than the other horn rhino species . This rhino rhino was once one of Asia's most widely spread . Although called " Javan Rhino " , is not limited to animals living on the island of Java alone , but throughout the country , throughout Southeast Asia and in India as well as China . The species is now critically endangered, with only two known populations in the wild , and none in zoos . This rhino is probably the rarest mammals on earth . Population 40-50 rhinos live in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java , Indonesia . Javan rhino population in the wild the other is in the Cat Tien National Park , Vietnam with an estimated population of no more than eight in 2007 . Javan rhino population decline due to poaching for its horn taken , which is very valuable in traditional Chinese medicine , with a price of $ 30,000 per kilogram on the black market . Rhino population decline is also due to habitat loss , which is mainly caused by the war , like the Vietnam War in Southeast Asia also led to a reduction Javan rhino population and hinder recovery . Place remaining only be in two protected areas , but the Javan Rhino is still at the risk of being hunted , susceptible to disease and causes shrinking of genetic diversity in breeding disturbed . WWF Indonesia seek to develop both the Java rhino because in the event of disease or natural disasters such as tsunamis , volcanic eruptions and earthquakes Krakatoa , Java rhino population would instantly become extinct . In addition , because of the invasion of steps ( Arenga ) and competition with bull for space and resources , the population is increasingly pressured . The area identified is a safe and relatively close Hazy National Park on Mount Salak , West Java, which was once the habitat of the Javan rhinoceros .There are three subspecies , the only two extant subspecies , while a subspecies have become extinct :· Rhinoceros sondaicus sondaicus , the type subspecies known as the Indonesian Javan rhinoceros ' who once lived on the island of Java and Sumatra . Now the population is only around 40-50 in Ujung Kulon National Park is located at the western end of the island of Java . The researchers propose that the Javan rhino in Sumatra belonged to a different subspecies , Rs floweri , but this is not widely accepted .· Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus , known as the Vietnamese Javan Rhinoceros or Vietnamese , who have lived in throughout Vietnam , Cambodia , Laos , Thailand and Malaysia . Annamiticus derived from the Annamite Mountain Range in South East Asia , parts of this subspecies . Today the population is estimated at less than 12 , living in lowland forest in Cat Tien National Park , Vietnam . Genetic analysis suggests that the two extant subspecies shared a common ancestor between 300,000 and 2 million years ago .· Rhinoceros sondaicus inermis , known as the Indian Javan Rhino , lived in Bengal through Burma ( Myanmar ) , but it was considered extinct in the early decades of the 1900s . Inermis means unarmed , because of the characteristics of this rhino is small horns in males , and no horns in females . Specimens of this species is that females do not have horns . The political situation in Burma estimated prevent this species in the state , but the safety is considered unreliable .
Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) East Nusa Tenggara

Bird of Paradise 12 WIRE ( Seleucidis melanoleucus ) PAPUA typicalCenderawasih 12 wire ( of Paradise die - wire ) or the scientific name Seleucidis melanoleucus is a kind of warbler -sized, with a length of about 33 cm , from a single genus Seleucidis . Birds of paradise 12 wire is a very fascinating birds . No wonder the bird called gods , beautiful bird of paradise birds . This bird has a high cultural value , because it is always used in traditional ceremonies . Adult males have shiny black feathers , decorated the belly side ba feathers twelve yellow and black wire . The long -beaked bird pointy black with red iris . Brown female bird , smaller than males and without decorated with feathers or twelve yellow wire on the side of his stomach . 12 wire -paradise is found in lowland forests on the island of New Guinea . Like most other bird species in the tribe Paradisaeidae , of Paradise Dead - wire is polygamous species . Habitat is lowland rain forest near the coast and woods along rivers in the lowlands , especially in the forest sago and pandanus . In general, living in the woods pamah in Irian Jaya . At the time does fly , these birds perched on the branches of trees . The spread of this bird is in Salawati , Irian and Papua New Guinea . Male birds attract a partner by using twelve wire on the dance ritual . After copulation , the male leaves the female bird and start looking for another partner . Female birds incubate and care for a baby bird alone . Feed the Bird of Paradise Dead - wire consists of fruits and various insects . This species has a wide distribution area and are often found in their habitat . Off - wire of Paradise evaluated as Low Risk on the IUCN Red List and listed in CITES Appendix II .
RED-paradise (Paradisaea rubra)
Red Bird of Paradise or the scientific name Paradisaea rubra is a kind of warbler -sized, with a length of about 33 cm , from the clan Paradisaea . This bird is yellow and brown , and yellow beak . Adult males measuring about 72 cm including feathers ornate red blood with a white tip on the side of his stomach , face fur a dark emerald green and diekornya there are two long strap -shaped double gyre is black . Females are smaller than males , with a dark brown face and had no fur trimmings . Indonesian endemic , red bird of paradise found only in lowland forests on the island Waigeo and Batanta in Raja Ampat , West Irian Jaya province . Red Bird of Paradise is a polygamous species . Male birds attract a partner with ritual dances that showcase decorative feathers . After copulation , the male leaves the female bird and start looking for another partner . Female birds incubate and care for a baby bird alone . Red bird of paradise bird feed consisting of fruits and various insects . Some kind of paradise that can be found in Indonesia , the bird of the crow ( Lycocorax pyrrhopterus ) , bird of paradise banner ( Pteridophora Alberti ) , bird of paradise collar ( Lophorina superba ) , half - crescent paradise kurikuri ( Epimachus fastuosus ) , bald bird of paradise ( Cicinnurus respublica ) , the king bird of paradise ( Cicinnurus regius ) , bird of split rattan ( Cicinnurus magnificus ) , Halmahera fairy birds of paradise ( Semioptera wallacii ) , dead bird of wire ( Seleucidis melanoleuca ) , small yellow bird of paradise ( Paradisaea minor ) , large yellow bird of paradise ( Paradisaea Apoda ) , bird of paradise raggiana ( Paradisaea raggiana ) , red bird of paradise ( Paradisaea rubra ) . Red bird of paradise species are polygamous . Male birds will captivate partner with ritual dances to show off decorative feathers . Red birds of paradise mating season occurring in May to August . When the breeding season , at most 3-4 males will fight over a female . In fact , in normal time only 1-2 males fight over a female . Based on the loss of forest habitat continues, as well as the population and the area where the bird is found to be very limited , Red Bird of Paradise risk evaluated as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List . This bird is listed in CITES Appendix II .
BULALAO fish (Liza dussumieri) typical GORONTALO
Bulalao fish (Liza dussumieri) is a species of fish in the sea berhabitat. These fish like mullet (Valamugil seheli) which is a relative of the familia, ie Mugilidae. These fish are small elongated. Bulalao fish are found in the Pacific Ocean region. Alternative English word for fish is dussumier Bulalao mullet.
EAST deer (Cervus timorensis) West Nusa Tenggara
Timor deer or Sunda Sambar deer ( Rusa timorensis ) is a deer native island of Java, Bali and Timor ( shared with East Timor ) . It is also an introduced species in Irian Jaya , Borneo ( Kalimantan ) , the Lesser Sunda Islands , Maluku , Sulawesi , Australia , Mauritius , New Caledonia , New Zealand , Papua New Guinea and Reunion . It occupies the same habitat as that of the Chital of India and a mixed open dry deciduous forests , parks , and savannas . It is a close relative of the larger Sambar . It is quite hunted in eastern Australia . This deer has established populations in remote areas of the island , probably brought there by Indonesian fishermen . They adapt well , living comfortably in the dry Australian bush as they do in their tropical homeland . This trait is shown well more often found on the outskirts of Wollongong and Sydney and in particular in the Royal National Park . It shows the increasing strength of the population . Timor deer ( Cervus timorensis ) is set to be the identity fauna of West Nusa Tenggara , have feathers reddish brown to gray-brown with the lower abdomen and white tail . Timor deer having adult body length ranges between 195-210 cm in height at between 91-110 cm . Timor deer ( Cervus timorensis ) has a weight between 103-115 kg despite the Timor deer are capable dipenangkaran weighs about 140 kg . Timor deer this size despite losing most of sambar ( Cervus unicolor ) , but compared to other types such as deer Bawean deer , and deer , Timor deer body size larger .Timor deer subspecies . Whitehead ( Schroder in Nugroho , 1992; Semiadi , 2002) divided the Timor deer ( Cervus timorensis ) into 8 subspecies ( subspecies ) , namely :· Cervus timorensis Russa ( Mul. & Schl . , 1844 ) commonly found on the island of Java .· Cervus timorensis florensis ( Heude , 1896) are common Lombok and Flores Island .· Cervus timorensis timorensis ( Martens , 1936) commonly found P. East , P. Rate , P. Arbitrarily , P. Goats , P. Alor , and P. Beach .· Cervus timorensis djonga ( Bemmel , 1949) commonly found P. Muna and P. Buton .· Cervus timorensis molucensis ( Q. & G. , 1896) commonly found Kep . Moluccas, P. Halmahera , P. Banda , and P. Ceram .· Cervus timorensis macassaricus ( Heude , 1896) commonly found P. Sulawesi.
· Cervus timorensis renschi ( Sody , 1933) .· Cervus timorensis laronesietes ( Bemmel , 1949)
Bali Starling (Leucopsar Rothschildi) typical BALI
Bali Starling ( Leucopsar Rothschildi ) is a type of warbler -sized, with a length of approximately 25cm , Sturnidae tribe . Bali Starling has specific characteristics , of which have white fur on his entire body except for the tip of the tail and wings are black. The cheeks unfeathered , bright blue and legs grayish . Males and females alike . Indonesian endemic , the Bali Starling is found only in the western part of the island forests . This bird is also the only species endemic Bali and in 1991 was named the fauna emblem of Bali Province . The existence of this endemic reserved . Bali Starling was first discovered in 1910 . The scientific name of the Bali starling named after a British animal expert , Walter Rothschild , as the first to describe this species to the world of knowledge in 1912 . This type of active foraging among the trees and undergrowth in the forest . The main area is between forested areas ekoton and wide meadows and forests along the river banks . Generally live in small groups or in pairs . Bali starling is a rare bird foraging above ground but , when the dry season he will drop to the ground to look for invertebrates . Because of the beautiful and elegant appearance , the Bali starling bird into one of the most sought after by collectors and bird keepers . Poaching , loss of forest habitat , as well as the area is found to be very limited bird causing the bird population is rapidly shrinking and endangered in a short time . To prevent this to happen , the majority of zoos around the world runs the Bali starling breeding program . The main threats facing the bird was first described in 1912 this is a change in the natural habitat along the northwest coast of Bali . Other threats are catching uncontrolled ( illegal ) supply to meet world market as a pet . The population is very small in nature , making the IUCN establish Critical status ( Critically Endangered / CR )
Ranged chicken (Gallus varius) typical EAST JAVA
Ranged chicken or partridge green ( Gallus varius Latin = ) is the name of a type of birds including flocks of tribal Phasianidae , the family chickens , quail , peacocks , and pheasants . Partridge is believed to be the ancestors of most of the existing pet chickens in the archipelago . This chicken is called by various names in different places , such as canghegar or cangehgar ( Sd. ) , chicken base ( Jw. ) , AJEM allas or tarattah ( Md. ) . Has the scientific name Gallus varius ( Shaw , 1798 ) , this chicken in English known as the Green Junglefowl , Javan Junglefowl , Forktail or Green Javanese Junglefowl , referring to the color and place of origin . Chickens are like open areas and berpadang grass , forest edges and area with low hills near the coast . Chicken - green forests are known to spread limited to Java and Nusa Tenggara islands , including Bali . In West Java, lived up to an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level , in East Java, up to 3,000 m above sea level and Lombok to 2,400 m above sea level . Morning and evening the usual chicken searching for food in open places and grassy , while the scorching daytime shelter in the shade of the forest canopy . Chicken - green forests takes a variety of grains , grass shoots and leaves , various insects , as well as various types of small animals such as spiders , worms , frogs and small lizards . These chickens are often seen in groups , 2-7 tails or more , looking for food in the grass near a collection of large ungulates such as buffalo , cow or bull . In addition to hunting insects disturbed by the larger animals , Chicken - green forests are known pleased to disassemble and pawing the dirt herbivores to find grains that have not been digested , dirt or insects that eat it . At night , the group is sleeping partridge in a bamboo grove not far apart , shrubs , or palm fronds forest at an altitude of 1.5-4 m above the ground . Green jungle fowl breeding between October - November in West Java and around March to July in East Java . Made in a simple nest on top of the grass -lined ground , in the shadow of a bush or tall grass . 3-4 eggs whitish grains . Unlike descendants chicken , chicken - smart forest green fly . This forest chicks have been able to avoid the dangers of flying in a few weeks. Chickens that adults are able to fly immediately and vertically to a nearby tree branch at a height of 7 m or more . Fly horizontally , Chicken Green Forest was able to fly straight up to several hundred meters , and even believed to be able to fly from island to island across the adjacent sea . Green jungle fowl is a close relative of the ancestor pet chickens , the red jungle fowl ( Gallus gallus ) . Red jungle fowl widespread ranging from the Himalayas , southern China , Southeast Asia , to Sumatra and Java . On the other hand , chicken - green forest in Java , Bali and Nusa Tenggara islands other . Chicken forests of East Java is known as a source for generating elders ranged chicken . Bekisar is a cross between chicken green forest with chicken . Bekisar developed the chickens to produce beautiful ornamental feathers , and especially to get the chicken with typical crowing . Because of his voice , ranged chicken can reach a very high price . Bekisar fauna of the area is also a symbol of East Java . .
Perkutut (Geopelia striata) TYPICAL IN YOGYAKARTA
Turtledove Java ( Geopelia striata , Columbidae familia ) is a kind of small bird , gray that kept many people because of the beauty of his voice . In the tradition of Indonesia , especially Java , to the situation in nature in danger . Turtledove still closely with Common cuckoo , Dederuk Java , and pigeons . Smallish doves . The length ranges from 20-25 cm . Small rounded head , gray . Long tapered beak with blue -gray . Doves eyes round with gray iris bluish . His neck is a little long and covered with fine hairs . Fur around the chest and neck forming transverse stripe pattern in black and white . Turtledove body hair covering lightly browned . On the wing feathers are dark brown transverse lines . Tail feathers are brown also rather long . The radius of turtledoves were 8 with pointy fingernails . So the number of fingers a foot is 4 . Three of the four fingers on the front and a finger in the back . The radius of the turtledove is useful to roost .
Kepodang GOLD (Oriolus chinensis) typical CENTRAL JAVA
Golden orioles are songbirds ( Passeriformes ) which has a beautiful coat and is also known as the bird dude who always look beautiful , neat and clean is included in the nesting. Kepodang is one type of bird that is difficult to distinguish between males and females based on physical form . Orioles birds including cage birds because it was purchased by the community to decorate the house , therefore the bird entered the commodity trading makes the population is small . Orioles birds came from mainland China and its spread from India , Southeast Asia , Philippine archipelago , including Indonesia, including Sumatra , Java , Bali , Kalimantan , Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara . These birds live in the forests , especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions slightly and usually live in pairs . On the island of Java and Bali birds orioles often referred to as the golden orioles . Orioles relatively medium -sized birds , the tail end of the long start up part ranges from 25 cm . This bird is black and yellow with a black stripe through the eye and nape , mostly black fur fly . Lower body whitish with black dotted , red iris , tapered shape and slightly curved beak down , beak length of approximately 3 cm , black legs . These birds inhabit open forests , mangrove forests , coastal forests , in places that can be recognized by their flapping wings were strong , slowly , striking and his flying bubble .
JAVA leopard (Panthera pardus melas) typical WEST JAVA
Javan leopard ( Panthera pardus melas ) or panther is one of the leopard subspecies found only in the tropical forests , mountains and protected areas of Java Island , Indonesia . He has two variations : light-colored and black ( panther ) . Javan leopard is a species identity of West Java Province . Compared with other leopards , Javan leopard smallest size , and has the sense of sight and a keen sense of smell . This subspecies generally have fur like the color of shiny black beetle wings with dark spots form of development that is only visible under bright light . Tiger Beetles black fur is very helpful in adapting to the dense forest habitat and dark . Similar female tiger beetles , and smaller than males . These animals are solitary , except during the breeding season . He is more actively hunt prey at night . Prey which consists of various smaller animals usually placed on top of the tree . Leopards are the only big cats that are still left on the island of Java . Black -type frequency ( beetles ) are relatively high . The black color is caused by a recessive allele is owned animals . Most of the population of leopards can be found in the National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango , although in all the national parks in Java, is reported to have found this animal , from Ujung Kulon to Baluran . Based on the loss of forest habitat , poaching , and the areas and populations where the animal is found to be very limited , Javan leopard evaluated as Critically Endangered since 2007 in the IUCN Red List and listed in CITES Appendix I. These animals are protected in Indonesia , which are included in Law No. 5 of 1990 and 1999 PP 7 .
Elang Bondol ( Haliastur indus ) JAKARTA typical
Elang Bondol or the scientific name is Haliastur Indus is a species of the genus of Haliastur . Scaly Eagles medium-sized ( 45 cm ) , white and brown blonde . Juvenile Elang Bondol which characterized the whole body with brownish streaks on the chest . Color changing grayish white in the second year , and reach adult plumage entirely in the third year . Bundar.Iris brown tail end , and sera beak greenish gray , dingy yellow feet and legs . As an adult , her character is the head , neck , chest white . Wings , back , and abdomen light brown tail . The contrast with the black primary feathers . The food is almost all animals , alive or dead . In water , food in the form and at land crab eating chicks , insects and small mammals . Large nests , twigs at the top of the tree . Egg white , slightly speckled red , the number of items 2-3 . Breed in January-August and May-July . India , southern China , Southeast Asia , Indonesia , Australia . In Indonesia , the spread in Sumatra , Borneo , Java , Bali , Sulawesi , Nusa Tenggara , Maluku , Papua . Meanwhile, in Indonesia and India , can be found in remote areas . In Borneo alone , the kites can be found in Kapuas Hulu , West Kalimantan . The existence of the kites are abundant there .Sumatran elephant ( Elephas maximus sumatranus ) typical LAMPUNGSumatran elephant is a subspecies of the Asian elephant berhabitat only on the island of Sumatra . Sumatran elephant subspecies , putting smaller than the Indian elephant . Its population has declined and become highly endangered species . Around 2000-2700 Sumatran elephants remaining in the wild is based on a 2000 survey . A total of 65 % of the population of Sumatran elephants killed vanish due to human and 30 % chance of being poisoned humans . Approximately 83 % Sumatran elephant habitat has become a plantation area as a result of the aggressive encroachment of plantations . Sumatran elephants are the largest mammals in Indonesia , weighing up to 6 tons and grow as tall as 3.5 m at the shoulder . The gestation period for a baby elephant is 22 months with an average lifespan of up to 70 years . The giant herbivores are very intelligent and have a larger brain than other terrestrial mammals . The ears are large enough to help the elephant to listen carefully and help reduce body heat such as hot cold blood as it flows beneath the surface of the ear . Trunk used to get food and water , and have an extra can hold ( grip ) on the end is used as a finger to scoop .
MENTILIN ( Tarsius bancanus ) Bangka BelitungBancanus or Mentilin tarsier is one of the species of tarsiers . Primates endemic to Sumatra and Kalimantan , Indonesia is defined as a Fauna identity Bangka Belitung province . Bancanus tarsiers in English often referred to as Horsfield 's Tarsier or Western Tarsier . Tarsier or Horsfield 's Tarsier bancanus have traits and behaviors as other types of tarsiers . About 12-15 cm in body length with body weight about 128 grams ( males ) and 117 grams ( females ) . Tarsier bancanus body hair reddish brown to brownish gray . Tarsiers bancanus spread in Indonesia ( Borneo , Sumatra , and surrounding islands such as Bangka , Belitung , and Karimata ) , Malaysia ( Sabah and Sarawak ) and Brunei Darussalam .There are 4 ( four ) subspecies Tarsier bancanus , namely :· Tarsier bancanus bancanus· Tarsier bancanus borneanus· Tarsier bancanus natunensis· Tarsier bancanus Saltator
Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) typical JAMBI
Sumatran tiger ( Panthera tigris sumatrae ) is a tiger subspecies native habitat on the island of Sumatra , is one of six subspecies of tigers that still survive today and are included in the classification of critically endangered species ( critically endangered ) in the red list of threatened species released IUCN World Conservation Society . The wild population is estimated between 400-500 tails , especially living in national parks in Sumatra . Recent genetic testing has revealed the genetic markers unique , indicating that this subspecies may evolve into separate species , if managed sustainably . The Sumatran tiger is the smallest tiger subspecies . The Sumatran tiger has the darkest color among all other tiger subspecies , the black pattern width and the distance is sometimes tightly attached . Sumatran tiger males have an average length of 92 inches from head to tail , or about 250 centimeters long from head to toe with a weight of 300 pounds , or about 140 kg , while higher than adult males can reach 60 cm . Females have an average length of 78 inches or 198 cm tall and weighs about 200 pounds , or about 91 kg . Sumatran tiger striped thinner than other tiger subspecies . Sumatran tiger skin color is the darkest of all tigers , ranging from yellow to reddish dark orange . This subspecies also had more beard and mane than other subspecies , especially the male tiger . Its small size makes it easier to explore the jungle . There is a membrane in between the fingers that make them able to swim fast . Known to drive hoofed prey into the water , especially if the prey animal is a slow swimmer . Its fur changes color to dark green when giving birth . The Sumatran tiger is found only on the island of Sumatra . This big cat can live anywhere , from lowland forests to mountain forest , and stayed in many places unprotected . Only about 400 individuals living in nature reserves and national parks , and the rest scattered in other areas are cleared for agriculture , there are also approximately 250 tail else kept in zoos around the world . Sumatran tigers are under threat of habitat loss due to spreading areas such as blocks of lowland forest , peatland and threatened mountain rain forest clearing for agricultural land and commercial plantations , as well as encroachment by logging and road building . Due to the increasingly narrow habitat and reduced , then the tiger forced into areas that are closer to humans , and they are often killed and captured since strayed into rural areas or as a result of accidental encounters with humans .
Snapper (Lutjanus sanguineus) ISLANDS typical RIAU
Snapper is a marine fish that live in packs heavy foundation in the basics of coral or coral reef. Have characteristic flat round body with fins extending along the back. Type snapper are mostly found in Indonesia is a type of red snapper (L. campechanus) some other types which are also commonly found is yellow snapper, black snapper and red snapper. They generally prey on small fish, shrimp. When we fished, it usually passes commonly used. Although sometimes also with a bait jig, like the bait. Elongated body shape with a flat round has fins on the back. Below there is also a belly fin. At the close anal fins are also analnya. As ruler of the reef, snapper equipped with teeth to tear their prey. When there is any food that drifts directly disergapnya. The fish were greatest in the region has always been at the front for hunting food.
Serindit (Loriculus galgulus) RIAU
Serindit wither or the scientific name Loriculus galgulus is a kind of bird found in the bird genus serindit Loriculus. These birds are small, with a length reaching 12 cm. Its fur is dominated by the color green with red tail feathers. Males and females alike. Serindit male bird has a blue head spots and red throat patches. Females more dull-colored bird than the male. Serindit Malay population scattered in lowland forests, from sea level to an altitude of 1,300 m in the countries of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Serindit Malays live in groups. This bird has a habit of actively climbing and walking rather than flying. At rest, the bird serindit drape down the body. Feed consisting of green vegetables, fruits, whole grains and a variety of small insects. Female birds incubate typically between three to four eggs are incubated about 18 to 20 days.
Argus KING (Argusianus argus) WEST SUMATRA
King Argus or the scientific name Argusianus Argus is one of the birds present in the Phasianidae tribe . King Argus has reddish brown hair and blue scalp . Adult males are very large , a length of 200 cm . Above their heads is crested and black-colored mane . Adult males also have wings and tail feathers are very long , decorated with large spots resembling eyes of insects or oceli . Females are smaller than males , about 75 cm in length , with a crested head brownish color . Tail feathers and wings of females are not all male birds , and simply decorated with little oceli . King Argus scattered populations in Southeast Asia . This species is found in tropical forests of Sumatra , Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia . In the breeding season , male birds show off the wings and tail feathers in front of female birds . The feathers form a fan opened his wings , showing off " hundreds of eyes " in front of her partner . The binomial name of the species is given by Carolus Linnaeus , based on the hundred -eyed giant in Greek mythology named Argus . Only female birds incubate two eggs
alone .
BEO NIAS (Gracula religiosa robusta) NORTH SUMATRA
Beo Nias is one subspecies ( subspecies ) parrot is only found ( endemic ) on the island of Nias , North Sumatra . Nias parrots that have a size larger than most other subspecies of parrots are the most popular and much in demand by the fans because of their versatility in a parrot imitating a wide variety of sounds including human speech . Beo Nias defined as identity fauna of North Sumatra province . Subspecies of parrots that have a Latin name Gracula religiosa robusta is often referred to as Ciong or Tiong . In English , this endemic bird commonly called the Common Hill Myna . Characteristics and Behavior Beo Nias . Beo Nias ( Gracula religiosa robusta ) including a medium-sized bird with a body length of about 40 cm . Nias parrots size is bigger than the other types of parrots . The head parrot nias short haired . Throughout the ear lobe parrots nias clasped behind the head that looks toward the sagging neck . Wattle yellow ear lobe is striking . At the head of Nias also contained a pair of parrots and yellow wattles on the side of the head . This endemic bird iris dark brown . Rather pointy beak is yellow orange . Almost the entire body is covered with feathers parrot nias solid black , except for the white feathered wings . This nias endemic bird legs yellow with fingers numbered four . Three fingers of them facing forward , while the rest facing backward . Habitat and Distribution . Nias parrot ( Gracula religiosa robusta ) is a species endemic to North Sumatra that can only be found on the island of Nias and surrounding areas such as Pig Island , Tuangku Island , Island and Island Bangkaru Simo .
HONEY BEAR (Helarctos malayanus) BENGKULU
Including bears Ursidae family and is the smallest of the eight types of bear species in the world . This bear is a typical fauna of Bengkulu province once used as a symbol of the province . Honey Bear is also the mascot of Balikpapan city . Balikpapan bears are conserved in a protected forest named Sungai Wain Protection Forest . Body length 1.40 m, height of back 70 cm and weighing 50-65 kg . Honey bear fur tends to be short , shiny and generally black , brown or blue eyes , other than that his nose is relatively wide but not too muzzle . Type honey bear fur is short and smooth compared to most other bears , black or dark brownish black , beneath his neck feathers are unique mark that is believed to describe the orange sunrise . Unlike the adult bears , baby bears newborn has softer bristles , thin and shining . Because life in the trees bear feet are not hairy so he can move at speeds up to 48 kilometers per hour and has a very strong force . Sun bears live in primary forests , secondary forests and often also in agricultural lands , they usually are in a tree at a height of 2-7 meters from the ground , and like the broken tree branches or make it curved to make a nest . Honey bear habitat found in tropical regions of Southeast Asia . Spread located on the island of Borneo , Sumatra , Indochina , South China , Burma , and the Malay Peninsula . Therefore , this type does not require another period of hibernation like bears living in the region of four seasons . Sun bear in the past known to spread in almost all the continents of Asia , but is now becoming increasingly rare due to habitat loss and fragmentation .
I have described so characteristic of some animals from the Indonesian region is only a small part, there are very many other animal that is a terrible natural resources, may be useful.