Keji beling and Sambiloto

Keji beling/Nasty shard 

or Java people call it by the name " sambang getih " , while on the ground pasundan known as " remek meat " , " reundeu Beureum " , and ternate people call it by the name " lire " . This plant has a lot of minerals like potassium , calcium , and sodium and other mineral elements . Besides, there are also silicic acid , tannins , and glycosides .
Usefulness as a cure dysentery , diarrhea ( diarrhea ) and drugs of kidney stones and can also reduce cholesterol levels . The leaves of this plant in addition to drink boiled water , can also be eaten as fresh vegetables every day and do it regularly. Leaves nasty shard is also often used to treat itching of the body that is in contact with caterpillars or black ants , by applying direct way leaves nasty shard on the itchy areas . To cope with diarrhea ( diarrhea ) , dysentery , all parts of this plant boiled , for about half an hour , then water is drunk . The same process for treating kidney stones . Leaves nasty shard can also overcome diabetes by means of regularly eaten as fresh vegetables every day . Similarly to mengobai liver disease ( jaundice ) , ambient ( hemorrhoids ) and gastritis by means eaten regularly .

Bitter ( Andrographis paniculata )

is a kind of herbaceous plants in the family Acanthaceae , which originated in India and Sri Lanka . Sambiloto can also be found in other regions , such as Indonesia , Malaysia , Thailand , as well as some places in the Americas . Andrographis genus has 28 species of herbs , but only a few are medically efficacious , one of which is Andrographis paniculata ( bitter ) . Bitter leaf contains many compounds Andrographolide , which is a bicyclic diterpenoid lactone compound . Chemical compounds that taste bitter was first isolated by Gorter on tahun1911 . Andrographolide has liver protecting properties ( hepatoprotective ) , and proven to protect the liver from negative effects galaktosamin and paracetamol . These properties are closely related to the activity of certain metabolic enzymes . Sambiloto has long been known to have medical properties . Ayurveda is one of the ancient Indian system of medicine that includes bitter as a medical herb , which is called by the name of bitter Kalmegh on Ayurveda . In addition to protecting the heart nutritious , bitter also can suppress the growth of cancer cells . This is due to the active compound , namely Andrographolide , decreased the expression of the enzyme CDK4 ( cyclin dependent kinase 4 ) .

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