Temulawak ,Umbi Jahe,and Kunyit plants

Temulawak ( Curcuma Roxb xanthorhiza ) 

are included in the ginger family ( Zingiberaceae ) , Wild Ginger is a medicinal plant native to Indonesia . The spread of the plant Curcuma However, many grown on the island of Java , Maluku and Kalimantan . Characteristics of Wild Ginger grows as a bush without stems . Starting from its base has been a long petiole stand upright . Plant height between 2 m / s to 2.5 m . Long leaves are round like a banana leaf midrib of the leaves which close to each other to form the stem . These plants can be grown in the fertile lowlands to an altitude of 750 m above sea level , this plant can be harvested after 8-12 months with traits such as leaf yellowing want to die . Tubers will grow at the base of the stem is dark yellow or light brown with a diameter of 15 cm length and 6 cm , it smells a little spicy and slightly bitter . turmeric has long been used for generations by our ancestors to treat jaundice , diarrhea , heartburn , bloating and fatigue. The latter also can be used to lower blood fat , prevent blood clotting and maintaining health as an antioxidant to improve immunity. With many tangible benefits medically Indonesian government launched the " Movement Ginger Drink " since 4 years ago .

Umbi Jahe [Bulbs ginger] 

oleoresin contains compounds known as gingerols which act as antioxidants . Nature is what makes ginger touted antiaging useful as bioactive components . Ginger bioactive components may serve to protect the fat / membranes from oxidation , inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol , and boost immunity .
Benefits of ginger are traditionally well known is as follows:
catch a cold
 Remedy: Take the old ginger thumb , washed and crushed and boiled with two glasses of water , add brown sugar to taste . Simmer approximately 1/4 hours . Lift and drink warm .
Headache or migraine ( headaches)
Remedy: Take the Seibu finger ginger , roasted and then crushed . Pour a glass of water and give a little palm sugar , drink once . Drink three times a day . Preventing motion sickness
Remedy: Take the Seibu finger ginger , washed and thinly sliced ??, then boiled in a glass of water . Warm drink before boarding the vehicle .
Remedy: Take ginger approximately two segments . Rinse and then grated , add a little salt . Apply this mixture on a sprained limbs . Do it twice a day .

Kunyit [turmeric]

Benefits of Turmeric Medicinal Plants. Turmeric is a medicinal plant and is an annual shrub (perennial) scattered throughout the tropics. Plants and wild turmeric thrives around the forest / former garden. Thought to originate from the sparkle at an altitude of 1300-1600 m above sea level, there is also a saying that turmeric comes from India. In Java Indonesia, turmeric is widely used as a nutritious herbs for soothing, cleaning, drying, relieves itching, and tingling cure. The main benefits of turmeric plants, namely: as traditional medicine, herbal raw materials and cosmetics, seasoning ingredients, animal husbandry etc.. Besides, the rhizome of the turmeric plant is also useful as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, preventing cancer, anti-tumor, and lower levels of blood fats and cholesterol, as well as a blood purifier.

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